Poker Pro In $100 Million Fraud Case

Jordanou arrested in Melbourne but allowed out on bail.
Well known poker pro and financial adviser William Jordanou was arrested in Melbourne Wednesday on fraud charges involving A$100 million, but has been allowed out on bail.
In widely distributed Australian media reportage, it is alleged that Jordanou stands accused of providing false documents to the Commonwealth Bank of Australia in order to obtain about A$100 million of loans with three other men.
Jordanou was acting as a financial adviser to an accounting firm when he and his co-accuseds fraudulently received the loans, prosecutor Luke Exell told Melbourne Magistrates Court on Wednesday.
Exell said evidence will be led that Jordanou provided the bank with false tax documents, letters of employment and invoices on 40 occasions between 2004 and 2013 to obtain the loans.
Jordanou then used the money to fund his wealthy lifestyle and invest in property development projects, the prosecutor claimed, outlining some 142 charges. One of these involved perverting the course of justice following allegations that Jordanou had attempted to influence one of the witnesses in the case.
Robert Zaia, Scott Arthur, Frank Porcino and Wayne Collins have also been named in the case, although Zaia, Arthur and Collins have not yet been charged.
Jourdano is also charged with conspiring to defraud a number of major financial institutions, including Commonwealth Bank, ANZ Bank, Bank West, Bank of Melbourne and Bank of Queensland.
Legal representation for Jordanou said that the poker pro welcomes the opportunity to defend against the charges, which have been an issue hanging over Jordanou for the past two-and-a-half years.
The case will be heard in September this year.

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