USA Gambing Action group urges players to contact their political representatives

 As this year's US Congress enters its pre-closing "lame duck session" this week, the pro-online gambling legalization action group Safe and Secure Internet Gambling Initiative has been drawing attention to the budgetary benefits of making internet gambling legal in the United States.
Information distributed by the Initiative this week urges players to get involved in lobbying politicians for change, advising that: “A bi-partisan commission created by President Obama is currently working on a plan to help balance the US budget – projected at $1.42 trillion for fiscal year 2009.  Their recommendations, due to be released by December 1st, 2010, are being crafted in part based on testimony provided by various experts and interest groups.”
Licensed internet gambling, according to projections, could bring over $40 billion in much-needed tax revenue over the next decade.
The SSIGI urges online gamblers to send an e-mail to the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform at
The Commission comprises:
Former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson and President Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles serve as the Co-Chairmen, heading six Democrat and six Republican lawmakers.
Honeywell International CEO David Cote, former Young and Rubicam Brands CEO Ann Fudge, Service Employees International Union President Andrew Stern, and former Office of Management and Budget Director Alice Rivlin are also members.
Safe and Secure Internet Gambling Initiative spokesperson Michael Waxman says: “While the Deficit Commission has many difficult decisions to make, putting to use the revenue generated through online gambling regulation should be a no-brainer.”
Waxman says that the SSIGI has put together a sample email containing all the relevant points and statistics, which players can use in their submissions to their political representatives
Waxman notes: "It is time to replace a failed attempt at prohibition with a regulated environment that allows online gambling activity, protects consumers, and uses the much-needed new revenue generated to pay off our nation’s debt.”