Spain : Certification required for online gaming applicant’s systems

Saturday October 8, 2011 : Certification required for online gaming applicant’s systems
The Spanish National Gambling Commission has released a list of companies officially accredited to provide approval and certification to operators intent on supply online gaming services in Spain.
A Ministerial Order establishing the technical requirements for the provision of online gaming activities, prior to the submission of licence applications, was passed through the country's Parliament last week.
Companies interested in applying for online gaming licences, which will be accepted from November 14, 2011, must undergo preliminary testing on Internal Control Systems to ensure accurate transaction data transmission to the National Gambling Commission.  The preliminary testing will be followed by a wider information and gaming system certification within the first four months of application.
Companies NMI Metrology & Gaming Limited and Spain 2 TestLabs BMM, S.L.U. have been named by the commission as authorised to assess and award potential licensees' initial software certification, with NMI additionally accredited to approve information systems.

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