New York Assemblyman J. Gary Pretlow Joins Fight Against RAWA

Friday June 19,2015 : MORE OPPOSITION FOR ADELSON'S R.A.W.A. (Update)
Influential New York Assemblyman joins the fight against the Restoration of America's Wire Act.
Sheldon Adelson's Restoration of America's Wire Act attempt to federally ban online gambling in the United States has suffered another setback following an appeal to congressional representatives by influential New York Assemblyman J. Gary Pretlow.
The Assemblyman was elected to the New York State Assembly in 1992, and in 2005 was appointed chair of the Assembly Racing and Wagering Committee. He is also a member of the Assembly committees on Rules, Ways and Means, Codes, Insurance, Cities, and the Assembly Steering Committee.
In a letter to New York state’s congressional delegation Pretlow asked colleagues to "…work toward defeating this bill and the attempt to take away a power reserved for each of the states – the power to define its gambling laws.”
The letter went on to argue: “RAWA’s attempt at a federal prohibition of online gambling could directly and negatively impact New York by foreclosing the future potential of the New York lottery to use the Internet for sales. It will also preclude the legislature from new tax revenue and to create economic and employment opportunities.
“It would also prevent New York from pursuing the regulatory approach to Internet poker which has been under review by the legislature and which several states have already successfully implemented…
“A prohibitionist approach perpetuates the black market and exposes children and others to gambling behind a curtain with no regulation or rules to protect consumers and the vulnerable.”
Assemblyman Pretlow notes in his letter that RAWA should be opposed for reasons that have nothing to do with gambling per se.
"The legalization is inimical to the broader interests of New York, which recognizes the benefits of the Internet for all businesses and industries in the state,” he concluded.

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