Repeated breach of network rules cited
Online poker network Entraction has terminated its agreement with the internet poker site Potraiser, the company announced this week, citing repeated breaches of Entraction's network rules.
A statement from the company says that with a large number of poker sites on the network, compliance with its rules is essential, and that Potraiser’s operator has repeatedly contravened these despite a number of warnings.
“The network rules are an important tool to make the Entraction poker network a vivid and attractive network for operators to run a successful business, and for players who want to enjoy a game of online poker,” said Slava Korneychik, head of key account management at Entraction.
“If a partner chooses not to comply with the rules, we have no alternative but to terminate the contract for the sake of Entraction, our partners and the players'.
Korneychik was not specific on the nature of the contraventions.

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