Using Poker To Teach Math

Scholars at a Virginia high school use poker to brush up on math and logic capabilities
The Washington Post reports this week that high school students attending George Mason High School in Falls Church, Virginia are learning math and logic reasoning through the fascinating and significantly skill-based game of poker.
Tutor William Snyder's poker club on the campus has quickly become one of the most popular extracurricular activities at the high school following its approval by  school principal Tyrone Byrd in September this year, the report notes.
"We know the kids could play outside of school, but when they're here, we have the opportunity to show them how to play responsibly and to show them how the game relates to their education," Byrd told the newspaper.
The club has ground rules in place to ensure the game is being used for educational purposes; real money is never used, and the game's educational relevance is emphasised, with the foundation of the game and statistics discussed at the beginning of every session.

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