Posted on 12/8/10 by Teddy Theodorous :

OESIK submits resolution to Greek Government
UNI's affiliate in Greece, OESIK, the Hellenic federation of casino employees' unions, who represent 5000 employees in Greece, have submitted a resolution demanding the Greek Government – who was previously hostile on the issue of online gambling and have now done an about-turn – ban illegal online gambling operators as well as establish the gambling supervision commission with participation of trade union representatives.
The resolution expresses the union's "sharp discontent and protest" against Governments plans for the “Initiative For the Legal Regulation Of The Gambling Games Market” as well as their dissatisfaction at having been left out of the Governments negotiations with online gambling companies.
The union's resolution goes on to call for :
–     the immediate prohibition of unauthorized online casinos
–     adoption of measures against the illegitimate advertising of online casinos
–     only licensed and legitimate casino companies shall be able to provide secure online gambling services
–     the enhancement of the legal framework regulating the role and duties of the Financial Crime Squad of the Hellenic Police in conjunction with the duties of the Gambling Games Supervision & Control Committee (L. 3229/2004).
–     the establishment of the Gambling Games Supervision & Control Committee, with the contiguous participation of two (2) OESIK representatives.
–     for equal taxation among actual casinos, VLTS points and online casinos.

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