Gambling Not On Homeland Security Watch Words

Persecution theorists may be disappointed by one ommission
A recently released list of ‘red flag alert' words used by the US Department of Homeland Security may prove a disappointment to gamblers who hew to the persecution theory that the Department is out to get them…the word ‘gambling' is not on the list.

Nevertheless, there are some puzzling inclusions that enforcement officials seem to feel are interesting as they check out suspicious key words and phrases on social media websites. Take, for example, words like ‘Cloud' and ‘Pork'!
The agency released its list of alert words and phrases under the Freedom of Information Act to "ensure clarity" and as part of a "routine compliance review."
Why is this of interest to online gambling?  The Homeland Security logo was one of those that appeared on three internet gambling sites shut down last year, and opponents of the pastime – some of them government officials who should know better – not infrequently accuse the industry of providing an avenue for money laundering and the big bogeyman of ‘terrorist funding'.

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