Bodog To Use

Barcelona or London job market could benefit
The Bodog brand marketing franchise is soon to launch a website specialising in internet slots, using the $5.85 million domain the group purchased earlier this year ""
The company expects the new enterprise to generate at least 100 jobs "in London or Barcelona."
Ed Pownall, PR chief for the brand, says that will operate as an independent company, and plans to become the largest player in not only online slots, but the internet casino sector too; beyond launch, the site will look to host a full featured casino including live dealer options.
One of the demographics on which will particularly be targeted is that of the female online player – this market segment has proved to be a substantial growth area in recent years, yet only bingo brands have concentrated on creating sites dedicated to that market, a situation that intends to change.
Pownall says that during the launch phase the company anticipates recruiting a minimum of 100 new employees in all areas of gaming operations, ranging from IT to Marketing and all points in between. Once through the launch phase, expects rapid expansion, and that will probably require additional people. The company is therefore inviting experienced operational personnel to email with their cvs.
Whetting the appetite of prospective employees, has issued a few statistics on this popular market segment:
* Globally, slots generate more net win and gross revenue than any other casino game.
* There are 35,100,000 search results in Google for Keyword: “Slots”
* 6,120,000 Google Global Monthly Searches are entered for Keyword: “Slots”
* The new owner of has achieved a Google Current Page Rank of 3, creating space to substantially optimise SEO for gains in search traffic

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