Roy Morgan report on betting behaviours

International market research firm Roy Morgan’s latest report on sports betting consumerism in Australia unsurprisingly confirms strong growth in online sports betting across most platforms.

Information from the report published by SBC, is titled “The Roy Morgan Gambling Currency Report” and provides Australian-focused consumer information for the year ending June 2014, averaged over three months, which identified:

  • 207 000 Australians over the age of 18 placed at least one online sports wager. That’s four times those who placed a sports wager at a TAB retail agency during the same period.
  • Second to online, TAB outlets in pubs or clubs were the most popular location for placing sports bets for 137 000 punters.
  • TAB retail agency stores attracted 53 000 punters.
  • The male 25 to 34-year-old demographic were the most active in placing sports bets (6.1 percent) and were the most likely group to have placed a bet via the internet.

A sign of the times, Roy Morgan points out that a decade ago, TAB outlets in pubs and clubs (124 000 people) and TAB agencies (112 000) were well ahead of internet sports betting (46 000), simply reaffirming the convenience and uptake of both online and mobile platforms as technology rapidly advances.

Roy Morgan’s segmented profile behaviour (Helix Personas) in the report also identified:

Young, well-paid, family-focused parents, living in tech-enriched outer-suburban homes would not think twice about placing a bet online.
Affluent, older individuals who enjoy the good life are more likely to visit a TAB agency than go online – going down to the local TAB would form part of the experience.

Young gregarious and tech-savvy “Metrotechs” would equally bet at a TAB outlet or online – depending on their circumstances.  They are the most flexible and simply adapt to the situation.

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