Written 5.23.11 :

Costa Rica requests assistance in Rimola probe
The recent raids on Absolute Poker associates in Costa Rica, which are themselves indirectly related to the Black Friday US federal indictments, spawned another law enforcement enquiry over the weekend, when it was revealed that the Costa Rica and Panama judicial authorities are communicating.
The Panama publication Prensa reports that Guillermo Hernández, financial crimes prosecutor in Costa Rica, has confirmed that he is in contact with his opposite number in Panama regarding the activities of Olman Rimola Castillo, a one-time associate of Absolute Poker and reported operator of the company's call centre in Costa Rica, IDS.
Rimola is alleged to have managed IDS operations that "mobilised" over $50 million, using businesses in Panama to move the funds.
The erstwhile IDS manager is currently restricted to Costa Rica through judicial restraints, but has also worked in Panama, where he at one time reportedly edited publications like The Panama Post, Juego Vivo Sport Magazine and SJO Post.

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