Friday July 22,2011 : Walker Media retained as media planning and buying agency
Bookmaker Ladbrokes has awarded its advertising account to UK-based SapientNitro, deepening an existing business relationship with SapientNitro already providing strategy and technology services to Ladbrokes' online and retail operations.
SapientNitro was appointed as lead creative advertising agency of record (AOR) for Ladbrokes in a competitive pitch conducted by ISBA and will assume full duties for Ladbrokes’ multi-channel advertising which includes TV advertising, print, radio, digital, video, social media and retail communications.
A new TV and print campaign is due to break in August.
Steven Vowles, Customer Experience Director for Ladbrokes said: "We believe that SapientNitro's brand ideas will drive success for Ladbrokes in autumn and beyond.”
Walker Media was retained as the media planning and buying agency in the review.

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