Is Harry Reid Now Against Online Gambling

Wednesday April 15,2015 :  REID TO HELP GRAHAM WITH ONLINE GAMBLING BAN (Update)
Retiring Nevada Senator has turned to the dark side.
According to the publication Town Hall retiring Nevada Senator Harry Reid has definitely thrown in his lot with the online gambling faction spearheaded by South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.
The publication highlights what it calls "…the out-in-the-open partnership between retiring Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and Sen. Lindsey O. Graham to ban web-based gambling" and claims that Reid has revealed that he confers with Graham on the Restoration of America's Wire Act, currently at committee stage in the House
Reid has also recently told the Nevada talk show "State of Nevada" that online gambling is not good for the United States, and that although he had worked for an "online poker only" legalization effort, he was now committed to an overall online gambling federal ban.