Why Did The USA Online Gambling Bill Stall
Reid did not react to Republican offer to push Chaffetz proposal through.
The publication Human Events has thrown more light on the reasons behind the House Judiciary Committee's decision Monday not to progress Rep. Jason Chaffetz's online gambling bill through the "lame duck" remaining session of the current Congress.
The publication reveals that in the week after the midterm elections earlier this month, the House Republican leadership told Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada that if he wanted Chaffetz's Restoration of the American Wire Act to pass, they would make it so to clear the decks before the new Congressional session.
But Reid did not call in the marker.
"If the RAWA bill was brought up, it would have put conservatives and libertarians in a bind because they did not relish the idea of Congress outlawing a political donation contributor’s [read Sheldon Adelson] Internet competition," Human Events explains.
"Other opponents of the bill, many of whom abhor gambling, are uncomfortable with the federal government interfering with commerce inside a sovereign state, while others, agnostic on the morals of gambling, did not want Big Brother dictating lifestyle or behavior choices."
But Adelson will be back next year, the publication warns.
See a more detailed political story here: