Via forum post by Full Tilt Poker Room manager
Full Tilt's poker room manager Shyam Markus took to the twoplustwo forum today to give a preview of, and perhaps gauge the reaction of, what players can expect of some aspects of the Full Tilt Reward Programme at launch in early November.
Markus explained that the new reward programme is not a PokerStars initiative but had been well into development by Full Tilt at the time U.S. Authorities had shut the operation down.
The original development included proposals to integrate aspects of Iron Man, Black Card, and affiliate-paid rakeback, however, Full Tilt will re-launch its reward programme without these aspects.
The new programme will be available to everyone, and will comprise weekly cash payments that are based on Full Tilt Points (FTP's) earned that week that tops out at $2.50 for every 100 Full Tilt Points awarded (around 25 percent).
Other nuggets Markus dropped include:
–     “Unlike affiliate-paid rakeback, there are no deductions of fees (store purchases, promotions, etc, therefore, the 25 percent mentioned above will almost always beat the 27 percent that rakeback was giving, he said.
–     Because the weekly cash payments are now based on points earned, FTP’s will now be earned using the Weighted Contributed method instead of the Dealt method.
–     The weekly cash payments don't use up the FTP’s earned, so players can still spend them in the store. Depending on how they are spent, points add an additional 4-5 percent to the program, giving the top level of the new program a giveback of up to 30 percent.
–     Since there are no fee deductions, all FTP’s are worth more to former rakeback players than previously, which increases the value of promotions like Happy Hour and Take 2.
–     Full Tilt will have a transition from Iron Man and Black Card to this new program, so long-term players of both promotions will likely get a leg up in the new program from the start.
–     The top level of this program is significantly easier to achieve than Black Card was.  The Black Card store will be changed so that anyone in the new top level can use it. This means that more players will be eligible to purchase cash bonuses in the store.
–     If player's qualified for the 2011 Iron Man Mid-Year Bonus, they will still receive it when the site re-launches.
–     The Black Card program will return (not at re-launch, but eventually) in a brand new way. Expect a little news about that soon."
Answering questions from forum posters Markus clarified :
–     Players will be able to download, install and even log in before November 6th, to be sure the system runs smoothly at launch
–     Log-in PIN will still be in effect
–     FTP Lobby will not have changed
–     Multi currency cashier is in the pipeline
–     A fulltiltpoker.eu website is one of the company's highest priorities and can be expected in one of the early updates following re-launch
–     Pairing Full Tilt and PokerStars accounts will involve logging in to both sites and using a pairing code to link the accounts, but more information will be released when this is available.